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Monday, October 14, 2013

AMPM 1 Page Business Plan

Hollywood taste at reality price Business Plan

AMPM 1 Page Business Plan


AMPM has a clear business objective to develop, produce, promote and distribute Hollywood taste at reality price products and services. These products and services have been developed over 1 year with a core focus on addressing the key customer problem and associated opportunities.

The Business Objectives

When as a key component of our growth strategy we consider it critical to identify and outline our business objectives, and align these objectives with clear and measurable development milestones. Our key long term business objective is to launch a new product. Whilst our existing products have been useful for testing the customer problem, new products are required to fully capitalise on our business potential. Our growth path is clearly oriented around the addition of new products, the development of these new products and the subsequent marketing of these. It is understood that costs will be associated with product development and marketing and these have been allowed for in our budget.

The Customer

AMPM has been created with a clear focus on the needs of our customers. Through a structured customer discovery process, we have validated the key customer problem as Staying up to date with fashion is tough,however AMPM offers options you know are trending because its proven by our celebrity's. AMPM making shopping fun like it should be.. This is a critical issue for our selected target market of Styling in a store.

The Value Proposition

AMPM is uniquely positioned to deliver value to Styling in a store. "AMPM will Provide merchandise and styling that can be trusted. Our merchandise is backed up by our favorite celebrity's. You won't question if what you are wearing is okay because you have gained confidence within yourself just from a store you can trust.." In order to be deliver on this value proposition, we Why AMPM? Because I as a stylist have read /looked into every fashion blog, twitter,Facebook magazine of trending fashion. As well as staying up to date with fashion weeks , top designers seasonal collections. I do the digging to keep you trending. You do the fun shopping.. This capability has taken considerable time and resources to develop and forms the cornerstone of our competitive advantage.


We have a number of competitors within the Hollywood taste at reality price market. We consider our key competitors to be: AMPM vs black house white market. For example a trending celebrity doesn't mean brittneyspears in a mini skirt it means quality,luxurious life style taste great fashion sense and style mainly archived by stylist. I'm going to know what is in and what's out. Black house white market is currently selling fall merchandise that is not even up to date with 2013 key fall trending items and that's sad. My store is going to offer a client of ALL age ranges up to date merchandise that they are going to feel so confident in. The little umph of confidence they need in buying/pairing pieces is going to be that there favorite celebrity is wearing something so similar right now. That's what makes AMPM different then any other retailer .. Our understanding of these competitors has been used to refine our strategy and value proposition. We believe that we can compete effectively with AMPM vs black house white market. For example a trending celebrity doesn't mean brittneyspears in a mini skirt it means quality,luxurious life style taste great fashion sense and style mainly archived by stylist. I'm going to know what is in and what's out. Black house white market is currently selling fall merchandise that is not even up to date with 2013 key fall trending items and that's sad. My store is going to offer a client of ALL age ranges up to date merchandise that they are going to feel so confident in. The little umph of confidence they need in buying/pairing pieces is going to be that there favorite celebrity is wearing something so similar right now. That's what makes AMPM different then any other retailer . by Replenished known merchandise .

Key Strategies

Over the next 6 months our focus will be to Launch merchandise that is iconic as well as monthly up to date key celebrity trends that are appropriate for all age ranges at half the cost.

Network respectfully in the community.

Exhaust all marketing aspects such as tv commercials, online website adds, open billboards/advertisement in the community and surrounding ares.

Business to business networking

Offer an online store to chatter to our shopaholics and seasonal clients.

Provide quality trending merchandise for half the pice of what the celbs/fashion Icons are paying.

Creating your style just by having in fashion pieces only.

AMPM is your stylist.

. This task will be undertaken in the context of our broader strategy to Travel more buying sales to offer a wider range of merchandise not seen as much on the east coast.

Network with sellers to build a trusting relation to purchase merchandise at a lower cost.

Invest in merchants

Work with celebrity stylist to gain store/product trust.

Franchise AMPM . These strategies are a tactical implementation of our overall business goal as outlined above.


Measurement of the successful implementation of our strategies will be governed by measurable development milestones. The milestones that will be achieved over the next 2 years are: Merchandise you can trust Advertise Make every client count

About this document
Hollywood taste at reality price Business Plan
This document was created by Allie of AMPM using the 5 minute Busine
ss Plan App. This technology and approach is powered by HyperQuestions.

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