t shirt union BoogeiFAM. co 1 Page Business Plan
t shirt union BoogeiFAM. co has a clear business objective to develop, produce, promote and distribute job for bodyboarding athletis an foto editors a sub contracts for the rider an foto taken recivie a taxted payment of 2.oo dollares for rider and 3.00 dollars for photo on t shirt sold in inventory. products t shirt tawels beach chears , promote and distribute by events, muscie, contestes, webe an local an international U.S wolrdwide stores also prodution of bodyboarding video for intrested sonsers an investers. products. These products have been developed over 5 yrs with a core focus on addressing the key customer problem and associated opportunities.
The Business Objectives
When as a key component of our growth strategy we consider it critical to identify and outline our business objectives, and align these objectives with clear and measurable development milestones. Our key long term business objective is to grow revenue. Rapid revenue growth is considered the most critical and measurable business goal. At this stage of our development, we consider this to be more important than profitability growth, although both are important long term objectives.
The Customer
t shirt union BoogeiFAM. co has been created with a clear focus on the needs of our customers. Through a structured customer discovery process, we have validated the key customer problem as day that there are no waves use other fotos from othere parts of the world surf spots an riders an pay taxyes. This is a critical issue for our selected target market of final quality product confirmer.
The Value Proposition
t shirt union BoogeiFAM. co is uniquely positioned to deliver value to final quality product confirmer. "t shirt union BoogeiFAM. co will quality high prices t shirts for alll vactional beach hot spots of the best in the world athletis and best fotoghhrafers and fotos from all the wourld , waves surf sky sunset an beach pleasures for clients of all ages surfers ans non surfers just beach fan an to use an engoy in the beach an at the home are pool and water activeties.." In order to be deliver on this value proposition, we a not only the idea it is my passion an have been doing in it in the caribien industry not only as a foto an video makers but also surf athlete and for more then 10 years an now about the industry in my island an i also travel. This capability has taken considerable time and resources to develop and forms the cornerstone of our competitive advantage.
We have a number of competitors within the job for bodyboarding athletis an foto editors a sub contracts for the rider an foto taken recivie a taxted payment of 2.oo dollares for rider and 3.00 dollars for photo on t shirt sold in inventory. products t shirt tawels beach chears , promote and distribute by events, muscie, contestes, webe an local an international U.S wolrdwide stores also prodution of bodyboarding video for intrested sonsers an investers. market. We consider our key competitors to be: the difference is the support to are riders an fotoghhrafers in the sport and by letting the costumer know on the tag info of what the corporation does for the sport only company like that an it makes more up sales.
. Our understanding of these competitors has been used to refine our strategy and value proposition. We believe that we can compete effectively with the difference is the support to are riders an fotoghhrafers in the sport and by letting the costumer know on the tag info of what the corporation does for the sport only company like that an it makes more up sales.
by quality of t shirt fotos style and products.
Key Strategies
Over the next 6 months our focus will be to (1)employes have a schedule a 5 am 5 pm everday for 4 to 6 hr. photographers athetis to ride take fotos an athite exposuer for t here sponsures (2) make the t shhirts and acticles (3) payment to the fotoghhrafers an riders (4) sele an distribute t shirts an products (5) present sonsures an investers new ideas an profit projections an promotions (6) an most importent propote are good talented athelits in the carribiea international riders and US for better opertunities in there industry an passion.
. This task will be undertaken in the context of our broader strategy to be at there surfs spots an take fotos the fotoghhrafers and surf riders surf to get the images for the articles like t shirts and towels etc. for production an distribution to make an sale the products for focus on the surf contests in all the world creating them profit for travel enrollment in contest.. These strategies are a tactical implementation of our overall business goal as outlined above.
Measurement of the successful implementation of our strategies will be governed by measurable development milestones. The milestones that will be achieved over the next 2 years are: Brochure of items pre orders promotion
About this document
job for bodyboarding athletis an foto editors a sub contracts for the rider an foto taken recivie a taxted payment of 2.oo dollares for rider and 3.00 dollars for photo on t shirt sold in inventory. products t shirt tawels beach chears , promote and distribute by events, muscie, contestes, webe an local an international U.S wolrdwide stores also prodution of bodyboarding video for intrested sonsers an investers. Business Plan
This document was created by yamir of t shirt union BoogeiFAM. co using the 5 minute Business Plan App. This technology and approach is powered by HyperQuestions.
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