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Monday, May 13, 2013

FastCash 1 Page Business Plan

Pay credit card with card reader on phone Business Plan

FastCash 1 Page Business Plan


FastCash has a clear business objective to develop, produce, promote and distribute Pay credit card with card reader on phone services. These services have been developed over 2months with a core focus on addressing the key customer problem and associated opportunities.

The Business Objectives

When as a key component of our growth strategy we consider it critical to identify and outline our business objectives, and align these objectives with clear and measurable development milestones. Our key long term business objective is to grow profitability. It is critical that we balance revenue growth with the growth in our cost base. Whilst the desire for profitable growth may constrain our growth rate, it is more important that revenue growth in isolation.

The Customer

FastCash has been created with a clear focus on the needs of our customers. Through a structured customer discovery process, we have validated the key customer problem as Internet hacker (security ) , having problem with sliding the card , Internet deflate problem , seller information holding security. This is a critical issue for our selected target market of Founders of startup.

The Value Proposition

FastCash is uniquely positioned to deliver value to Founders of startup. "FastCash help you collect your money from buyer fast and become your boss . Every time when u see a opportunity u will never miss it because of mange problem ." In order to be deliver on this value proposition, we There have susscessful case in the state and some country but hong king don't have it yet and it's a well populate international city. This capability has taken considerable time and resources to develop and forms the cornerstone of our competitive advantage.


We have a number of competitors within the Pay credit card with card reader on phone market. We consider our key competitors to be: Apple square

Swip card easy (NZ). Our understanding of these competitors has been used to refine our strategy and value proposition. We believe that we can compete effectively with Apple square

Swip card easy (NZ) by Charge $2.5 everytime when they use the service and Hong Kong is the perfect place for this business .

Key Strategies

Over the next 6 months our focus will be to
1.Give out device for free

2.Aim people that do owner trading to have

3.encourage people to start their own business with lesson by giving out this device.( many people want to earn extra money in Hong Kong for their family and even there wife can use this device to gamble with mj)

. This task will be undertaken in the context of our broader strategy to Start to look into how to borrow money out with people that using this device so we can give people capital to start their business . These strategies are a tactical implementation of our overall business goal as outlined above.


Measurement of the successful implementation of our strategies will be governed by measurable development milestones. The milestones that will be achieved over the next 2 years are: get what we invest back Making sure reach the daily income amount everyday Push the value of the service in a short period of time

About this document
Pay credit card with card reader on phone Business Plan
This document was created by Matthew of FastCash using the 5 minute Busine
ss Plan App. This technology and approach is powered by HyperQuestions.

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