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Sunday, May 12, 2013

The kosmopolitan inc. 1 Page Business Plan

events, janitory, housing, clothes, ice cream shop, consultancy Business Plan

The kosmopolitan inc. 1 Page Business Plan


The kosmopolitan inc. has a clear business objective to produce, promote and distribute Ghanaian clothing designs, effective janitory services, affordable housing, a classy event management group, an ice cream shop and a consultancy. We are now preparing to register these products and services with a core focus on addressing key customer problems and needs associated opportunities.

The Business Objectives

When as a key component of our growth strategy we consider it critical to identify and outline our business objectives, and align these objectives with clear and measurable development milestones. Our key long term business objective is to put up a large and multipurpose social centre with so many facilities like conference rooms, a cinema, restaurant, shops, playgrounds for kids, a club or casino, banquet hall, gym, etc and also be the most prestigious group in both our domain and everywhere.

The Customer

The kosmopolitan inc. is going to be created with a clear focus on the needs of our customers because customer acquisition and retention is considered critical to us. We are going to develop well structured customer discovery processes as we have validated the key customer problem as seeking to create quality relationships with our customers and putting their needs first in everything we do. This is a critical issue for our selected target market which is the general public.

The Value Proposition

The kosmopolitan inc. is uniquely positioned to deliver value to the general public. Our key value is to create quality and exclusive impressions all the time. In order to deliver on this value proposition, we are going to have people who are competent and passionate about what they are doing. This capability forms the cornerstone of our competitive advantage.


We have not identified any competitors yet in the janitory, housing, clothing, ice cream business and consultancy market. But we consider our key competitor in the events sector to be: Capital View hotel. Our understanding of this competitor has been used to refine our strategy and value proposition. We believe that we can compete effectively with Capital View hotel because they are managing a hotel and try to put in some few events here and there but we are going to make these services our main focus and employ different and competent people to handle each sector separately.

Key Strategies

Over the next 6 months our focus will be to start with our clothing business by introducing new, catchy and cheap clothes by local designers. Especially new and traditionally designed clothes, shoes and accessories. This task will be undertaken in the context of our broader strategy to Start and expand the other sectors of the company. These strategies are a tactical implementation of our overall business goal as outlined above.


Measurement of the successful implementation of our strategies will be governed by measurable development milestones. The milestones that will be achieved over the next 2 years are: our finance level: profits, investments, assets, etc, wether we have been able to increase and maintain our customers and how many or which other sectors we have been able to develop so far.

About this document
events, janitory, housing, clothes, ice cream shop, consultancy Business Plan
This document was created by Selorm of The kosmopolitan inc. using the 5 minute Busine
ss Plan App. This technology and approach is powered by HyperQuestions.

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